It's your mid-day motivation here at #IAM. Entrepreneur, Author and Mentor, Dre Hosea (Andre Love Hosea) stops by with a message on how you can create change in your community! Check it out and leave your thoughts and comments below!
About Dre Jose

Andre Love-Hosea also known as Dre Jose is a native of Mobile, Alabama known for his unique motivational speaking with the AG Studs. Dre Jose is a newly published author and influencer who strives to impact individuals throughout the world. Encouraging individuals to motivate and mentor ones around them. Dre dedicates his time traveling to different communities mentoring the youth.
For more about Dre Jose, visit
He is doing great things
This is a good reminde to stay committed to what you say yes to
I have no words from this, I'm amazed.
Thank you for telling us about what you do.